About Us

China Garden Restaurant is located in 132 Lowestoft Road, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, NR31 6ND , is the place for you and all you need to do is decide what you want to eat.They have all those favourites dishes such as Seafood Dishes,Curry Dishes and many more. Also don't forget to write the feedback

Contact Info

132 Lowestoft Rd Gorleston-on-Sea, Great Yarmouth, NR31 6ND

Telephone Orders Welcome

Email : mailbox@chinagardenfood.co.uk

Opening & Closing Hours

  • sunday 16:30 - 23:00
  • monday 16:30 - 23:00
  • tuesday 16:30 - 23:00
  • wednesday 16:30 - 23:00
  • thursday 16:30 - 23:00
  • friday 16:30 - 23:30
  • saturday 16:30 - 23:30
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